2016 Arizona Spartan Sprint recap


Arizona Spartan Sprint 2016 In 2014 I noticed that there was a team forming from the Be Your Best Foundation, (http://beyourbestaz.com/) an organization that I am involved with that promotes life transformation. Now, we are not talking about transforming into a Werewolf,or the Hulk.. (even though that would be super cool), but personal and spiritual … Continued

Race Recap: Sinister 9k Night Run 5/2/15


In an attempt to increase my exposure to the running community I found out about an Ultra running group that does night runs here in the desert of Arizona.  For me, it was just crazy enough to draw me into to research mode a bit more and do some reading (as well as sign up!) … Continued

For the past two weeks I have been killing it.. & the scale has not moved


Over the past two weeks I have been traveling for work. For most of us, traveling introduces excuses to your normal dietary needs and exercise plan, due to the change in location and schedule. “Oh, I can’t workout, I don’t have this.. that.. or the other thing..” Or, “I need to leave super early to … Continued