One of the groups that I, and many members of the BaackPaack are affiliated with is called the Be Your Best Foundation which puts a great deal of focus on the notion of personal integrity. Until recently, I never really applied “integrity” as a guiding principle in my life, and I have to say, now … Continued
Change in schedule isn’t a reason to not continue your progress.
Most folks dread change. Change at work, change in the home schedule, changes in how family members interact with each other. Change is a deviation of the norm, a change in the comfort level that many of us base our lives around. Change effects out schedule and our routines. It can cause stress, pressure as … Continued
Feeding the Brain or Feeding the Body?
One of the hardest things we can change is how and what we eat. Modern day food consumerism has been a billion dollar market. From the colors that we see in the market to the placement on the store shelves, it is all orchestrated for us to purchase and consume more. Most of us never … Continued